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Guaranteed Results Marketing
1323 Forbes Avenue, Telephone: 888 421 6799
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Fax: 412 434 8084
E-mail: guaranteedresultsmarketing@gmail.com

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Local Search Statistics

Last month, 2.4 Billion searches were done for local businesses.

Today in the US and Western Europe, 90 % of mobile subscribers have an Internet-ready phone.

71 % of smartphone users that see TV, print, or online ads, do a mobile search for more information.

79 % of large online advertisers still do not have a mobile optimized site.

After researching a local business on a smartphone, 61 % of users called and 59 % visited the business.

Over 50 % of all local searches are done on mobile devices.

Buying Behaviors

There are over 300 million searches executed everyday online. 97% of Internet browsers gather shopping information online. 51% explicitly characterize their behavior as "shop online, purchase offline". Over 50% of those 300 million searches ended in a local transaction.

Almost 70% of your potential customers now search for local products and services on their computers and smart phones.

If you do not have a website, you are losing business to your competitors, it's just that simple.